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The Daily Bean

With a focus on roasting single-origin beans from around the world, The Daily Bean, India's premium coffee brand, appeals to Millennials and Generation Z. Every cup has a unique and wonderful flavour. Unmatched freshness is ensured by their commitment to flawless bean grinding, quick sealing, and daily delivery. The Daily Bean stands out for its dedication to quality and offers a distinctive coffee experience, making it a favourite among connoisseurs.

UX Strategy
UX Design
Website Design
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We discovered that obtaining locally grown coffee from around the globe was difficult for the typical coffee connoisseur. Because there aren't many resources or instructions available, it can be difficult for people to select and purchase a single speciality coffee.

Another issue the target customer has is trusting diverse coffee brands.


Faced with the issue of offering high-quality coffee to consumers, a new coffee company, "The Daily Bean” was developed.

They provide a large selection of speciality coffee with single origins from different parts of the globe that are all sustainably farmed and ethically supplied. The Daily Bean offers a comprehensive brewing instruction and comprehensive details on every coffee variety, going above and beyond simply selling coffee. It is easier for customers to select the ideal coffee that suits their needs and tastes when they have access to comprehensive information, which guarantees that consumers fully comprehend the product before making a purchase.



We interviewed coffee enthusiasts as part of our primary research to better understand consumer behaviour. This provided us with the chance to obtain firsthand knowledge about the preferences and purchase habits of the target market, which includes Gen Z and Millennials, with regard to coffee.

The interviews yielded significant information into critical criteria, including but not limited to quality, flavour, provenance, and pricing.

Insights From Interview

Competitive Analysis

In order to improve the overall user experience, we conducted a thorough analysis of other e-commerce coffee apps and websites. Our goal was to understand their UI/UX design and to evaluate their success strategies. The insights gathered from this research were used to strategize the design of our own website which would help us provide a better and more user-friendly experience for our customers.

Insights From Analysis


User Persona

We developed two user personas in order to better understand the objectives and desires of our target audience.

This assisted us in gaining a deeper comprehension of our target audience's motives, difficulties, and behaviours.

Information Architecture

Making it simple for consumers to quickly and easily discover the information they need was the website's main goal. Through meticulous attention to detail, our goal was to design a user experience that was easy for people to navigate and effectively showcase the content on the website.

User Flow

We aimed to create a seamless user flow where the user could find what they needed without the hassle of going through unnecessary information.

Wireframes & Iterations

For the website, we started with low fidelity wireframes. Using this method allowed us to swiftly cycle through many concepts and come up with the app's fundamental layout. With the help of this fast prototype technique, we were able to test various features and layouts and make necessary adjustments before devoting a substantial amount of time and money to the finished product.

Design & Deliver

Design System

The design tenets and aesthetic components that characterise the appearance and feel of our brand and product are described in our style guide. It contains information on font, colour schemes, and other visual components that have been especially designed to appeal to our Gen Z and Millennial target demographic. This guidance guarantees uniformity across the user interface. We can preserve a strong and identifiable brand identity by adhering to a clear style guide, which will be essential for gaining the trust and loyalty of our customers.

Final Design

Megha Nagar (Official Partner at Minute Creative)
While at Confetti Design Studio
Next Steps

Book a call w/ Harsh (Founder @ Minute Creative)

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