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Read'n is a mobile platform for people who enjoy reading or want to start developing a reading habit. It aims to make it easier for users to maintain their reading habits by tracking their progress and making recommendations based on previous activities. The USP of this application is the books which are available in a variety of complexity levels, allowing readers of all levels to enjoy a wide range of books!

UX Strategy
UX Design
Mobile App Design
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To design an engaging experience for a reading application which will help readers form a habit of reading as well as enable them to read books based on their level of vocabulary & understanding.

Reading the problem statement, our first frame of thought was to understand what the user might have gone through while facing such problems. We divided the problems at a granular level to decide upon an approach that might help us design a most effective solution.


People often lack the time to pursue their interests and fail to establish long-term habits because of various obligations and distractions. We used this chance to create a solution that benefits users by helping them pursue their interests and form long-term habits around it.


Secondary Research

During the first stages of the design process, secondary research was conducted in order to better understand the problem statement by reading existing articles and content that was relevant to the issue at hand. We were able to better record the interview questions for users thanks to this step.

Statistical Insights

The National Book Trust commissioned the National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) to conduct the Youth Readership Survey in 2021. The survey included 660,000 participants aged 13 to 35 and was conducted across 199 towns and 207 rural districts.

Important takeaways from the most thorough study of reading habits ever conducted in India are as shown below:

Competitor Analysis

Taking into account the problem statement and design opportunities, we conducted analysis of few of our rival products that assist their users in developing a regular reading habit and made a list of the their features and insights.

Target Audience

A target audience was developed so we can design a product which WOW that particular set of users and eventually we can expand into reading market through referrals and our marketing campaigns to increase our user base.

User Insights

We highlighted some of the most important activities and habits of our target audience based on user interviews. Although not every user's habit matched, this simply served to increase the scope of our research and brainstorming.

We made the decision to split the interview data into two categories: book selection and reading motivation.

The following are some of the observations we made after speaking with each group's interview subjects:

Summary Of User Insights

We were able to gather some important information from our interactions with potential users and their interview responses that would help us in better understanding and developing a solution for our problem or problems, below are some of them:

  1. Because they believe reading promotes personal development, users want to incorporate or maintain reading into their hectic schedules.

  2. Consumers prefer to select a book they enjoy rather than picking one at random, but they also don't want a bewildering array of choices.

  3. Users want to experience increased motivation to continue reading regularly.

  4. Users are easily distracted by notifications and other distractions on their phones.

  5. Sometimes users give up because the context is difficult to understand or relate to, even though they want to be able to connect with the book they have chosen.


User Personas

Following a thorough process of user interviews with our target audience, we developed two user personas: the avid reader and the leisure reader.

It was necessary so we can define for whom a product is being created for and what is necessary for them.

Affinity Mapping

We collected qualitative data about users and organised it into different categories after talking with potential users and creating user personas.

Brainstorming Ideas

Following our discovery and definition of our original problem statement, we held a brainstorming session where we discussed potential features that could assist us in resolving our users' issues with time management and habit sustenance.

Information Architecture

The app's features were all categorised, improved, and arranged to make them easier to find in order to meet the objectives.


The Medium Fidelity wireframes were made in order to detect any kind of usability problems at an early stage of the design process. Since we are just at the beginning, any necessary adjustments could be made with little to no difficulty.

Design & Deliver

Design System

Our research and user interviews revealed that many users found digital books uncomfortable due to the eye strain that comes with staring at a screen for extended periods of time.

As a result, we chose to build our app with dark mode enabled by default. Additionally, this assisted in controlling the users' devices' battery life.

Final Design

Megha Nagar (Official Partner at Minute Creative)
While at Confetti Design Studio
Mobile App
Next Steps

Book a call w/ Harsh (Founder @ Minute Creative)

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