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Get Featured

Get Featured is a public relations firm that assists small and large-scale firms and business owners in growing their enterprises by writing articles for them and featuring them on major media platforms such as NBC, CBS, FOX News, and their affiliates.

UX Strategy
UX Design
Website Design
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The Challenge

Businesses typically struggle to establish credibility with their target audience. Many of them use a variety of techniques to attract the correct type of audience, but most fail to do it correctly and often making efforts without getting any significant results.

The Solution

Get Featured intended to help these businesses by making them appear legitimate and trustworthy. They publish business-related items on major network agencies such as NBC, CBS, FOX News, and its affiliates.

Our Approach

Our strategy for "Get Featured" was to design a visually appealing visual system for the website in order to enhance conversions and to establish a user flow that would be effective in reducing online drop-offs.


Before building a solution, we held an extensive brainstorming session with our team and Get Featured's team to thoroughly grasp the situation.

As a consequence, we decided on a user flow that was both optimal in terms of usability and efficient in terms of reducing website drop offs.

Before settling on the final wireframes, numerous versions were created. This allowed us to experiment with different features and layouts.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis on other websites such as Brand Featured, Stellar Image Media, Tittac Marketing, and Linking News offered us an understanding of what products were already on the market.

This allowed us to develop and improve our own approach, resulting in a reliable and efficient solution.


The ideation phase comprised user flows and wireframes, which were used to outline the product's features. The primary features of the app were:

  1. Choose a package
  2. Make a payment.
  3. Fill out the order requirements


We created wireframes based on the website's flow to ensure that the user had easy accessibility and navigation.


The final result we created was a responsive website with a simple process that allowed customers to easily select their preferred package, make payment, fill out purchase details, and be featured in publications!

Design System

The UI design process began with the creation of a consistent design system that featured buttons, typography, a colour palette, dialogue boxes, popups, and other elements.

Final design

Megha Nagar (Official Partner at Minute Creative)
While at Confetti Design Studio
Next Steps

Book a call w/ Harsh (Founder @ Minute Creative)

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Proven track record of delivering outstanding products that meet the needs of the users, as well as the business goals of the company. Their ideas played a pivotal role in launching our product in record time.”

“They have set a new standard for us on how to work with creative professionals. Their loyalty first lies to their client's brand, emotions, and situations, and then to their frameworks and techniques.”

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Namit Oberoy

Founder, Sidebar Advisory

“Minute Creative team has a proven track record of delivering outstanding products that meet the needs of the users, as well as the business goals of the company. Their ideas played a pivotal role in launching our product in record time.”

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Hridesh Kapur

CTO, StockPe

“We couldn't be happier with the quality of the final deliverables. It's reassuring to work with a team that not only understands our requirements but also supports us in making tough decisions.”

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Arun Srinivasan

Founder, Slarity

“From the initial ideation stage to the final product, the team was involved in every step. The attention to detail was exceptional, and the final product exceeded our expectations.”

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Suvam Sahoo

Founder, Knox

“The Minute Creative team is full of super creative, organised, good communicators with high analytical skills and they have always over-delivered.”

artjona agolli project manager at indian legal tech

Artjona Agolli

Project Manager, Indian Legal Tech

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Sidebar Advisory

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