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PEKT: E-Commerce

PEKT is a lock and handle manufacturing company based in India. They specialize in producing high-quality products for wholesalers.

UX Strategy
UX Design
Website Design
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The current method of presenting product information through a PDF brochure is inadequate and inconvenient for users. Users are required to search through large documents, which makes it time-consuming and challenging to find specific products. As a solution, we have designed a website that will provide easy access to product information. This website will replace the PDF brochure with a more user-friendly and efficient option.


In order to offer a more efficient and user-friendly solution, we have developed a website to replace the current PDF brochure. This website enables users to easily search for and locate specific products. It features a search bar, category filters, and an organized product catalog, all of which make it simpler for users to find what they need. By replacing the PDF brochure with this user-friendly website, users will now have an improved experience, leading to increased satisfaction and a higher likelihood of making a purchase.


Competitive Analysis

Through analyzing the competition in the market, we gained a deeper understanding of the industry and its developments. This enabled us to identify opportunities and challenges, make informed decisions, and create customized designs that effectively supported PEKT's business goals.

Insights From Analysis

Synthesising Data

Information Architecture

The information on the website has been carefully organized and structured to enhance the user experience. Our primary objective was to ensure that users can easily and quickly find the information they need. We aimed to create a straightforward user experience that allows users to efficiently navigate the website and locate the desired information.

Wireframes & Iterations

Design and Deliver

Design System

Our design style guide provides detailed information on the visual aspects of our website and brand, including color and typography. Consistently using these elements in our design helps establish a recognizable identity and reinforce customer loyalty and trust.

Final Design

After conducting extensive research, we have finalized the design for the website. Our objective was to develop an interface that is both visually appealing and functional, in order to enhance the overall user experience. The final design integrates the insights and feedback collected from our research, resulting in an intuitive and seamless website that effectively meets the needs of our target audience.


After completing the project, it was transferred to the next phase of the development cycle, which was handled by the development team. To ensure that the final product meets our standards, we maintained close collaboration with the developers throughout the process. Our goal was to maintain the high quality of the website and ensure that it aligned with our expectations.

Harsh Makwana
While at Confetti Design Studio
Next Steps

Book a call w/ Harsh (Founder @ Minute Creative)

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